Solda weather

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Current alpine weather report

Sulden in the Vinschgau valley offers 300 sunny days per year. These are ideal conditions for hiking tours or a holiday on a mountain hut ...
and your eyes will shine with happiness even more than the sun will shine.

General weather situation today

High pressure and warm air masses will determine the weather.

Weather situation today

Sunny weather in the whole region, only a few clouds.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 22°C
Min. 8°C

Mountain weather today

High pressure conditions. The day will mostly be sunny. Above the peaks cirrus clouds will move through, dampening the sunshine at times.

Temperature in 2.000 meters: 8°C
Temperature in 3.000 meters: 0°C
0°C limit: 3100 meters

Weather tomorrow

The day will be mostly sunny, with a few dense clouds passing through at times.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 24°C
Min. 8°C

Weather development

On Wednesday clouds will tend to increase with some local rain showers in the afternoon. On Thursday cloudy weather with precipitations, especially in the afternoon. Also on Friday clouds will prevail with isolated rain showers. More sun is expected on Saturday, rising temperatures.

01.05.2024 02.05.2024 03.05.2024
Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol
Max. 23°C
Min. 5°C
Max. 19°C
Min. 5°C
Max. 20°C
Min. 4°C