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Current alpine weather report

Sulden in the Vinschgau valley offers 300 sunny days per year. These are ideal conditions for hiking tours or a holiday on a mountain hut ...
and your eyes will shine with happiness even more than the sun will shine.

General weather situation today

A high pressure field and low humidity air masses will guarantee stable weather.

Weather situation today

Residual low clouds will dissipate quickly. In the afternoon, the weather will be mostly sunny with a few small cumulus clouds.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 25°C
Min. 18°C

Mountain weather today

A low pressure system over the Gulf of Genoa will draw moist air masses towards the Alps. During the early morning hours visibility may be locally reduced by low clouds. In the high mountains, initially sunny weather. In the course of the day the clouds will tend to increase with first showers arriving from the south. From the evening, rainfall will be widespread with local thunderstorms.

Temperature in 2.000 meters: 12°C
Temperature in 3.000 meters: 7°C
0°C limit: 4000 meters

Weather tomorrow

The day will begin with low clouds in some valleys. Elsewhere, the weather will initially be sunny. The cloudiness will tend to increase rapidly and in the afternoon first showers will arrive from the south. In the evening and in the night there will be widespread rain with embbeded thunderstorms.

Wheater forecast South Tyrol Max. 26°C
Min. 18°C

Weather development

On Monday, the foehn wind will bring an improvement in the weather conditions. On the border ridge and in the Dolomites the weather will be variable with local showers. An alternation of sun and clouds is expected on Tuesday. Precipitation is generally absent. On Wednesday, the weather will be sunny at times. In the afternoon, the probability of showers and local thunderstorms will increase. On Thursday, the sky will be cloudy with widespread rain.

10.09.2024 11.09.2024 12.09.2024
Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol Wheater forecast South Tyrol
Max. 26°C
Min. 10°C
Max. 26°C
Min. 8°C
Max. 23°C
Min. 7°C